Chronovore is a CV/Gate Sequencer based on the TB-303. The circuit was faithfully recreated with modern components in a small form factor suitable for eurorack. The device includes the Pixie u650 CPU which runs an emulation of the original 303 mask ROM for a genuine 303 experience. Since the hardware is identical to the 303 sequencer, other CPUs such as the Quicksilver or Sonic Potions are also compatible (but not supported).
Accent, Gate, CV Outputs
Clock in (24 PPQN) and Run (active High) Inputs for sync
MIDI Input for MIDI sync and start as supported on Pixie
Adjustable slide time, stock, longer, longer, and REALLY long
Digital controlled Bank/Function controls with display (pattern groups are displayed as A-D instead of I-IV)
24HP, 25mm Deep
Current Draw: +12 65 mA, -12V 0 mA
Product Overview
Chronovore is a CV/Gate Sequencer based on the TB-303. The circuit was faithfully recreated with modern components in a small form factor suitable for eurorack. The device includes the Pixie u650 CPU which runs an emulation of the original 303 mask ROM for a genuine 303 experience. Since the hardware is identical to the 303 sequencer, other CPUs such as the Quicksilver or Sonic Potions are also compatible (but not supported).
Accent, Gate, CV Outputs
Clock in (24 PPQN) and Run (active High) Inputs for sync
MIDI Input for MIDI sync and start as supported on Pixie
Adjustable slide time, stock, longer, longer, and REALLY long
Digital controlled Bank/Function controls with display (pattern groups are displayed as A-D instead of I-IV)