
Joranalogue Select 2 Eurorack CV Utility Module


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A 'Swiss Army knife' for your modular system, Select 2 provides two highly accurate gate-controlled voltage processors in 6 HP. These allow you to create, switch, mute, hold, invert, attenuate, offset, add/mix and subtract voltages, from slow CVs (control voltages) up to audio frequencies.

Each processor features two signal inputs, with the left input used by default. A gate on the 'select' input switches to the right signal input instead. The signal inputs are normalised to the precision +5 V reference (left) and 0 V (right).

Following the input section is a hold circuit. A rising edge on the 'hold' input freezes the input voltage at that moment, until the gate input goes low again. While most sample/track-and-hold modules only manage a few seconds, Select 2’s 'low droop' design enables it to store a held voltage accurately for several minutes.

The end of the signal path consists of a gated polariser/attenuverter. Using the knob, the voltage at the output can attenuated and/or inverted: the gain is −1 (inverted) at the minimum setting, 0 at the centre and +1 (unity gain) at the maximum. The polariser can be disabled using the 'unity' gate input. This unique ability enables a variety of interesting gate-controlled signal modulations. Dual-colour LEDs show the output voltage of each processor.

Finally, if the A output socket is left unused, the signal is mixed together with the B output. This enables signal offsetting, CV mixing, pitch transposing etc.


Two precision analogue CV processors with input selection, voltage hold and gated polariser functionalities.
Left signal inputs are normalised to the precision +5 V reference, right inputs to 0 V. Switched using 'select' gate input.
High-performance 'low droop' hold circuitry: stays pitch-accurate for several minutes.
Unique gated polarisers, which can be switched off (unity gain) via gate inputs.
Normalised mixing: leave the A output unused to mix it with the B output signal.
Dual-colour red/blue LEDs for output voltage indication.
Precision-milled 2 mm anodised aluminium front panel with high-resolution, non-erasable graphics.
Bullet-proof design: polarised power header and MOSFET protection circuit.
Includes 16-to-10-pin Eurorack power ribbon cable.
Premium mounting hardware: black screws, black nylon washers and matching hex key.
High-quality components and assembly; designed and made in Belgium.

Product Overview

A 'Swiss Army knife' for your modular system, Select 2 provides two highly accurate gate-controlled voltage processors in 6 HP. These allow you to create, switch, mute, hold, invert, attenuate, offset, add/mix and subtract voltages, from slow CVs (control voltages) up to audio frequencies.

Each processor features two signal inputs, with the left input used by default. A gate on the 'select' input switches to the right signal input instead. The signal inputs are normalised to the precision +5 V reference (left) and 0 V (right).

Following the input section is a hold circuit. A rising edge on the 'hold' input freezes the input voltage at that moment, until the gate input goes low again. While most sample/track-and-hold modules only manage a few seconds, Select 2’s 'low droop' design enables it to store a held voltage accurately for several minutes.

The end of the signal path consists of a gated polariser/attenuverter. Using the knob, the voltage at the output can attenuated and/or inverted: the gain is −1 (inverted) at the minimum setting, 0 at the centre and +1 (unity gain) at the maximum. The polariser can be disabled using the 'unity' gate input. This unique ability enables a variety of interesting gate-controlled signal modulations. Dual-colour LEDs show the output voltage of each processor.

Finally, if the A output socket is left unused, the signal is mixed together with the B output. This enables signal offsetting, CV mixing, pitch transposing etc.


Two precision analogue CV processors with input selection, voltage hold and gated polariser functionalities.
Left signal inputs are normalised to the precision +5 V reference, right inputs to 0 V. Switched using 'select' gate input.
High-performance 'low droop' hold circuitry: stays pitch-accurate for several minutes.
Unique gated polarisers, which can be switched off (unity gain) via gate inputs.
Normalised mixing: leave the A output unused to mix it with the B output signal.
Dual-colour red/blue LEDs for output voltage indication.
Precision-milled 2 mm anodised aluminium front panel with high-resolution, non-erasable graphics.
Bullet-proof design: polarised power header and MOSFET protection circuit.
Includes 16-to-10-pin Eurorack power ribbon cable.
Premium mounting hardware: black screws, black nylon washers and matching hex key.
High-quality components and assembly; designed and made in Belgium.