

An electronic musician’s guide to ADAT audio interfaces

An electronic musician’s guide to ADAT audio interfaces

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If you make electronic music with hardware, one of the key considerations is how you’re going to record your creations. Even the most proudly ‘DAWless’ producer will probably need to get their music into a computer at some point if they want to share it with the world.

You could just capture your jams by taking the stereo output from your rig, of course, but for maximum flexibility when it comes to further editing, mixing and processing, you’ll most likely want to make a multi-track recording. And here’s where we often run into a problem. 

You see, it’s relatively rare to find more than eight physical line inputs on an audio interface - and while that might be enough for a small setup (especially if some of your sound sources are mono) you’ll find yourself running out of inputs pretty quickly if you have a lot of gear.

And it’s not just lack of inputs that’s the problem. If you want to run audio out of your DAW through analogue signal processors or effects - or control vintage synths or a modular system from your DAW using Ableton’s CV Tools, for example - you’ll need plenty of spare outputs, too. Again, it’s rare to find more than eight as standard, (and to make things even more difficult, they’re not always DC-coupled, which is vital for CV signals).

So is there any way to get more inputs and outputs without buying a whole new interface? Fortunately, if you have an interface with ADAT ports, the answer is yes…

What is ADAT?

Sound On Sound's September 1992 cover

ADAT, which stands for Alesis Digital Audio Tape, was the name of a multitrack tape machine Alesis launched to great fanfare in 1992. This revolutionary device let you record eight tracks of high-quality digital audio on S-VHS tape, and up to 16 machines could be chained together for increased track counts. The technology transformed the audio industry by making digital multitracking available to home studios at a hitherto unheard-of price point.

The reason we’re still talking about ADAT more than 30 years on isn’t because we’re still using the recorders - computers overtook them long ago. It’s because of the optical connection protocol that Alesis devised to link the machines together: ADAT Lightpipe (or ADAT Optical Interface). 

Using optical cables and Toslink connectors, a single connection can transmit eight channels of 24-bit, 48kHz audio - or four channels of 96kHz audio, for high-sample-rate fiends. And long after the original ADAT recorders were consigned to the history books, the standard has been adopted across the industry, to the extent that ADAT ports are now ubiquitous on all but the smallest audio interfaces.

ADAT expanders

So if your interface has ADAT ports on the back, you can just add a suitable ADAT-compatible expander via an optical connector to gain another eight inputs or outputs. Great news, right? Yes… but then we run into another issue for electronic musicians.

The thing is, audio interfaces still seem to be largely designed for - and marketed to - singer/songwriters and bands. As such, ADAT expanders tend to boast a full complement of mic preamps. That’s fine if you need to plug in half a dozen mics to record a drum kit, but it’s a bit of a waste if you simply want to feed a bunch of line-level signals in. 

Manufacturers have been pretty slow to realise that a huge swathe of potential customers -  electronic musicians - don’t always need ‘traditional’ features like mic preamps. If you make techno with a handful of synths, drum machines and a modular rig, say, then good quality line inputs will be far more important to you.

Thankfully the tide has started to turn, and there are now a handful of solutions aimed squarely at electronic producers. Let’s take a look…

Arturia AudioFuse 16Rig and X8 expanders

One company shaking things up a bit is Arturia, the innovative French brand whose offering now spans everything from software instruments to premium analogue polysynths. Arturia’s audio interfaces range from the ultra-portable, single-input MiniFuse to the premium desktop AudioFuse Studio, which boasts four high-end mic preamps. But the AudioFuse 16Rig is the first to be aimed explicitly at electronic studios.

With a whopping 16 line inputs and 10 outputs on the device itself, plus scope for another 16 of each via two pairs of ADAT ports, even the most hardcore synth collector is unlikely to run out of channels. And it boasts a host of amazing features for hardware-based studios, 

It works in standalone mode so you can jam on your synths without even turning the computer on. All of the complex audio and MIDI routing capabilities are useable without needing to look at a computer screen. Arturia say that it “lets you leave everything connected, route anything to anything, and be more creative with your projects”.

The latest additions to the range are the AudioFuse X8 ADAT expanders, which offer a further eight inputs or DC-coupled outputs via ADAT connectors and come in a convenient 1U half-rack package so you can mount a pair side by side. Whether you use these with the AudioFuse 16Rig or any other ADAT-equipped interface, they offer a painless way to vastly increase your line-level audio track count.

Arturia AudioFuse 16Rig USB Audio Interface

Arturia AudioFuse 16Rig USB Audio Interface


We say... AudioFuse 16Rig is a high-density audio interface dedicated to hardware synth lovers, electronic musicians, and studio enthusiasts who use lots of hardware devices...… read more

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Arturia AudioFuse X8 In ADAT Audio Interface Expander

Arturia AudioFuse X8 In ADAT Audio Interface Expander


We say... Yet another brilliant product from Arturia at a great price point. The perfect way to expand an ADAT-compatible interface and create extra line...… read more

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Arturia AudioFuse X8 Out ADAT Audio Interface Expander

Arturia AudioFuse X8 Out ADAT Audio Interface Expander


We say... Yet another brilliant product from Arturia at a great price point. The DC-coupled outputs are perfect for controlling modular synths as well as...… read more

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Expert Sleepers ES-8 and ES-10

When it comes to modular synths, there are a few options specifically designed to shuttle audio between a DAW and a Eurorack case. The Expert Sleepers ES-8 and ES-9 have become the industry standard: Eurorack-mountable USB interfaces with a host of audio ins and outs on the panel. The ES-8 includes ADAT port expandability for a quick and painless way to route even more channels of audio.

The latest in the ES range is the ES-10, which combines the functionality of the ES-3, ES-6 and ES-7 into one unit which is narrower, less deep, uses considerably less power, has lower noise and has the option for line-level inputs (not just modular level).

It’s an ideal way of expanding the ES-8, but you can of course use it with any ADAT-equipped interface you like - from the Ableton Push 3 to a Focusrite or MOTU box. We can see this becoming a mainstay of Eurorack systems large and small, offering a completely painless, plug-and-play way to route audio and CV signals to and from your DAW.

Expert Sleepers ES-10 Eurorack ADAT Lightpipe/CV Interface

Expert Sleepers ES-10 Eurorack ADAT Lightpipe/CV Interface


We say... Another winner from Expert Sleepers, this is a no-fuss, plug-and-play way to get more inputs and outputs from your audio interface. Whether you...… read more

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Expert Sleepers ES-8 Eurorack USB Audio Interface Module

Expert Sleepers ES-8 Eurorack USB Audio Interface Module


The ES-8 is a USB 2.0 class-compliant audio interface in a Eurorack module, with DC-coupled inputs and outputs that can be used for both CVs...… read more

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Boredbrain OPTX V2

Similar to the ES-10, Boredbrain’s OPTX is an 8-in, 8-out Eurorack-based solution that uses a two-way ADAT connection. The new and improved 10HP V2 version of the module is on its way, with stock expected in October 2024.

Boredbrain Music Optx v2 Eurorack ADAT Audio & CV Interface Module

Boredbrain Music Optx v2 Eurorack ADAT Audio & CV Interface Module


We say... If you have an audio interface with ADAT connectors, this is a simple and elegant solution for routing high-quality audio between your modular...… read more

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As always, if you have any questions about audio interfaces, want to chat about the options or arrange a demo in our showroom, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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